Once upon a time, there was a dear little girl who was loved by everyone who looked at her...

A short visual novel with multiple endings made in Ren'Py and based on the Little Red Riding Hood story. 

An interactive story project for Northeastern ARTG 2400


PC 162 MB
Mac 127 MB

Install instructions

I recommend downloading the game, as the Ren'Py web player has some transition and sound effect bugs!

Development log


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Great game, I loved the designs for the huntsman and the wolf.

Most games based on classic stories like this tend to try to change the very premise by making little red more dangerous than the wolf, making the wolf the main character, or something of the sort- so the fact that you managed to make a game that felt new and compelling while being faithful to the original story (to the point the normal ending was the same) was interesting.

I did wish there was a bit more variation in what the wolf did, or that picking flowers let you get new endings. That being said, I can see how a man-eating wolf would be a bit predictable in just trying to eat people, and for a game meant to be short this was great- it just feels like it has even more to offer.


That was great! Loved how creepy and ambiguous the designs of the hunter and wolf are!


I love this simple game. i don't expect the normal ending. please enjoy my gameplay. :)


Very good horror visual novel. Keep up the great work! 


Wow, that was short, but really good.


Definitely a great game. I like how different it felt playing it compares to other red riding hood games. Hope to see more.


It was really interesting to see different endings than the ending from the original story! I absolutely loved the visuals and the vibe, props to the artist for drawing so simple yet so nice. I thought not picking flowers would lead to a different ending, but all that said the game was great!


Was interested to see the different outcomes! I love the art and the atmosphere used to create a creepy vibe! I really enjoyed playing through this. Lookimg forward to seeing other work like this in the future!


Wow... Such a short game, but nothing has made me feel the way I felt playing this. Great game, amazing atmosphere, and I loved all the endings!


Wow thank you so much, that really means a lot. Loved your video too, thank you for playing!


There are millions of games about Little Red Riding Hood, but this one is something special. I like the different paths and multiple endings. There should be a "friendship ending" where Red, Grandmother, and the Wolf become friends and shoot the huntsman. Nice work.

Cool Fun Game


This was really nice, i got all the endings. 10/10